Experience Adventurous Flying While Making a Difference

LightHawk offers a unique opportunity for 1000 hour-PIC qualified pilots to volunteer their time and aircraft for conservation missions across North America. Join us in flying for a cause and experience a different kind of adventurous flying.


Our Mission: Conservation from the Skies

LightHawk’s flights are dedicated to preserving the natural beauty of lands, oceans, coastlines, river systems, and wildlife. Explore our Flight Map to see the impact of our work in your area. We are always looking for pilots with access to aircraft in all our project regions.

Your missions may include collecting data or imagery, informing journalists, educating decision makers, or transporting endangered animals. Your gift of flight will help scientists, decision-makers and other changer makers, community leaders, journalists, and photographers.

Versatile Missions and Aircraft

LightHawk’s diverse missions require various types of aircraft:

  • Single-Engine 1-to-4 Seaters: Ideal for photography and aerial tours.
  • Turboprops and Jets: Perfect for wildlife transport and longer-distance missions.

Join Our Community

By volunteering with LightHawk, you become part of a vibrant community of over 300 pilots. Engage with fellow pilots at regional meet-ups and our annual Fly-In celebration. Build lasting relationships with our conservation partners and get involved in projects beyond the flight.

Volunteer Spotlight: Dave Riffle

Dave Riffle, a dedicated LightHawk Volunteer Pilot, flew lynx tracking missions in the Pacific Northwest with our partner, Southern Interior Land Trust. His commitment led to on-the-ground fieldwork, including collaring new lynx, showcasing the depth of engagement our pilots enjoy.

Working with LightHawk and their partners has enriched my flying experience ten fold and is very addictive. The more I fly, the more I want to fly for causes and issues in which I believe strongly.

Bill Rush

Volunteer Pilot, (Boulder Creek, CA)

Ready to Take Off?

Interested in being part of the largest conservation flying organization in the U.S.? Become a LightHawk volunteer pilot today and help us protect and preserve our natural world! Fill out the form below and a member of the LightHawk staff will be in contact about next steps.

In the meantime, visit our FAQ page to learn more about being a LightHawk Volunteer Pilot.

Become A LightHawk Volunteer Pilot

About You

Your Aircraft and Qualifications

LightHawk requires a minimum of 1000 hours of PIC time to become an active VP. If you have just shy of of 1000 hours and will reach that mark in the next few months, we will consider your application.

LightHawk Volunteer pilots provide the aircraft, fuel, and all other expenses incurred on a flight

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